Getting Started

Kick the Dust Off and Keep Moving Forward

Starting up a new business.  Sit on that for a minute.  It is no surprise that starting your own business requires a significant amount of strength, faith and courage. Making that first step is all it takes...then it is just one foot after the other, right? 

We all know that with life's challenges and our own attitudes and platitudes hindering our own capabilities create commonplace within us.  However, reminders of our faith the courageous leaders that came before us and the difficulties they often faced encourages us to get up and move. 

Recently here, struggling to move in the specified direction planned I recalled that my life is to lead as Christ lead.  Remaining resilient in my faith for family, friends and His kingdom.  Then one other really hard place to remain, humbly within myself and upward toward Christ.  This is the first move, remain within, then upward, remain humble and then forward. Micah 6:8 says "And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to humbly walk with your God." 

Often the quote from Martin Luther King JR. comes to mind. Although, what King was referring to was something much more challenging and courageous, draw inspiration from his words:  "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."


I encourage you to sit in peace today and to be reminded of Christ's face.  As you sit remain humble to receive what He may guide you to today.  Bring peace to this world and expand on the work that he is willing to provide for you today.  Kick the dust off, move ahead and remain resilient in Him.  


Molly <><

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